Welcome Health Net Member
Thank you for choosing Health Net!
Register for Healthnet.com
Take a moment to register for access to our website. Have your Member ID card handy.
As a registered member, using our website is an easy and time-saving way to get benefit information, wellness resources and more to help you achieve an overall sense of good health.
Keep Track of Your Coverage
Manage your health the easy way. Through the member portal, you can access the following tips and tools to make things easy on yourself.
- Check coverage information. Have a glance at the benefits offered to you and your family. Or download full coverage documents.
- Find a doctor. Provider Search easily lets you search by health plan or location. And you're not limited to searching for a doctor. You can look for dental, vision, alternative, and other providers – plus hospitals and care centers near you.
- Find a pharmacy. Use the Pharmacy LocatorExternal Link to find a retail pharmacy close to your home.
- Print and order Member ID cards. Need a new Member ID card? Print a replacement card quickly online or order a new card by mail.
- View claims, approvals and download forms. See a record of the services you've had. Find out if your approval has gone through or download forms you need for your plan
Member ID cards
Each family member will receive a Member ID card in the mail prior to the group's effective date.
Take a moment to review the card(s) making sure your name and your PCP choice (if applicable) are correct. If a correction is needed call Health Net Member Services for CalPERS members at 888-926-4921 so we can make the change.